We offer two types of Multi Crew Cooperation (MCC) Training Courses...


MCC for Initial ATP

This MCC training forms part of our training course for your Initial ATP and covers all the essential basics of operating in a multi-crew cockpit envorronment and covers MCC produres applicaple to:

  • Normal Operations, including use of checklists, scan flows and callouts
  • Non-normal Procedures, including the use of the QRH
  • Emergency Procedures, including memory items and workload sharing

It must be noted that the MCC training of this course (Initial ATP) is not type rating specific, nor is it to the level required for a full MCC Certficate and merely designed to meet the competency requirements of the Initial ATP Skills Test.


Full MCC Certification

We also offer a full MCC Certification course, at the end of which a Certficate for Muti-crew Cooperation will be issued and the notification to SACAA as per form CA 61-09.20 submitted for the licence endoresement.

The course complies to requirements of Document SA-CATS 61 Appendix 20. The syllabus is comprehensive with at least 15 to 20 hours of FSTD training in the roles of PF and PNF with a similar amount of ground briefings and training. The course is desgned to ideally accomodate two pilots simultanously and this will also assist in sharing the costs.

Note that a pilot that has undergone our Inital ATP training will be credited with 5 hours ground and FSTD training towards the MCC Certficate.

All our MCC training is done by highly experienced airline pilots and is an ideal preperation for a future airline career. Our MCC course is done on a turbine simulator but is not type specific and should not be contrued as a type rating.