Mandatory Recurrency Trainining
The SACAR's (CAR 961.05.7 for CPL and CAR 61.07.7 for ATP) require mandatory recurrency training before a IR Revalidation Test can be done, such as the case if you have not flown more than 3 hrs PIC in the 6 months preceding the IR Revalidation Test. This recurrency training will be done on the FSTD of your choice (ME or SE) by one of our instructors and typically would consist of 2 to 3 sessions, depending on your level of competency.
CPL Pilots: If your licence has lapsed (but less than 36 months), you may have to undergo a Competency Test in an aircraft prior to the IR Test in the FSTD. Contact us with your licence details for a more comprehensive assessment of requirements.
ATP Pilots: The limitation for a lapsed licence (less than 36 months) as described above for a CPL does apply to an ATP as our FSTD is certified for both Compentancy Tests of an ATP as well as the IF Revalidation Test without the need to first do an aicraft Competancy Test.
Our facility is a cost effective alternate to keep your ATP valid. Your test will be done on a C425 Conquest (Turboprop) simulator model and as you may be unfamiliar with this aircraft type, we recommend that you come and do a familiarisation session or two before the test.
You will also require a co-pilot for the test – you may bring your own or we will supply one that is already familiar with the C425 at a nominal fee. We will also provide you with cockpit layout, QRH, checklists and other operating and performance documentation when you make your booking.
Our rates are really cost effective and significantly below the costs of a Level D Simulator or the aircraft.
Voluntary Recurrency Training
The consequences of failing an IR Revalidation test is quite severe and we thus strongly recommend at least one or two recurrency training sessions on the FSTD prior to your IR Revalidation Test, especially if your IR skills are a bit rusted or you are unfamiliar with our FSTD.
Rates based depending on the amount of training required - Refer to the Cost section of our website for our latest rates