Our ATO and FSTD is certfied for the DFE Skills Tests listed below:


Choice of DFE

The two regular and Somerset West based DFE's that uses our facilities often are...

Nic Vallentgoed - (082 562 6624)

Andre van Rensburg - (082 814 1091)

However, there are also other Western Cape DFE's that you may also elect to use - Refer to the CAA website for up to date full list.

Important Note - You must book and pay the DFE directly. but oordinate with us on available simulator slots


Initial Skill Tests

  • Inital ATP (Full test)
  • Elements of an Initial Instrument Rating (such as the ILS)
  • Elements of an Initial Grade II Instructor Rating


Revalidation Skills Tests

Our FSTD is certified for the Revalidation Skills Tests of the following:

  • ATP Revalidation
  • Instrument Rating Revalidation (PPL/CPL/ATP)
  • Grade II and Grade III Instructor Rating Revalidation

Not that the revalidation of your Instrument Rating (IR) also revalidates the licence you hold (PPL/CPL/ATP) for the same period of the revalidated IR.

Revalidation Tests can be done by the Designated Flight Examiner (DFE) of your choice (See DFE Choices above).


Radiotelephony Practical Tests

We conduct the following Radiotelephony Pratical Tests:

  • Restricted
  • General

The test is conducted on a simulator and the cadidate will be expected to manipulate all the radio controls and switches but will not be required to actually fly the simulator. The test is conducted as a mini LOFT excercise that includes elements such as Loss of Communication and Emergency Radio procedures. For the Restricted Certificate the LOF will start at a controlled airfield and and at an uncontrolled airfield. For the General Certficate, it will be an IFR flight from a controlled to a controlled airfield.

The candidate will also be required to demonstrate the ability to compile an ATC Flight Plan.